Home → Adjusting To SCI/D
Adjusting To SCI/D
Assistance in making the adjustment after sustaining a spinal cord inury or disease
- 1. Adjusting to life after spinal cord injury or disease onset
- 1.1. Coping with Spinal Cord Injury
- 1.2. Hope Talk-Adjusting And Living With SCI
- 1.3. Adjustment to SCI-Three Perspectives-Presentation to PT students
- 1.4. Adjustment factsheets, articles and streaming video (in Video Resource Rm)
- 1.5. Conversations about Adjustment and Living with Spinal Cord Injury
- 1.6. SCI Video Blog
- 1.7. How to cope emotionally with a Disability
- 1.8. Adjusting to a Disability is a Journey
- 1.9. Taking Charge after SCI
- 2. Communication, Dating and Relationships after Spinal Cord Injury
- 3. Books and resources