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Video Resources
The Spinal Cord Central Video Room is currently a “screening room” for videos of particular interest to our members and the SCI/D community. Many subject area videos accompany their respective subject area materials and are reached as 'related pages' from the Video Room. This resource is made possible in part thanks to a grant from the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation.
- 1. Adjustment (after SCI/D)
- 1.1. Adjustment After SCI-Several Perspectives
- 1.2. Art and Music Therapy
- 1.3. Communication in Dating & Relationships after SCI
- 1.4. Conversations About Living with SCI
- 1.5. Conversations.....Artists
- 1.6. Conversations from the Bedroom: Sex after SCI
- 1.7. Facing Disability after Spinal Cord Injury
- 1.8. Faith-Based Support and Adjustment
- 1.9. 2. Getting to Normal: Conversations about Adjustment after Spinal Cord Injury
- 1.10. Getting your life back after Spinal Cord Injury
- 1.11. Life with SCI: A Group Discussion
- 1.12. Moving forward after Spinal Cord injury
- 1.13. Resilience, Depression and Bouncing Back after Spinal Cord Injury
- 1.14. SCI Video Blog
- 1.15. Spinal Cord Injury: From the Moment of Injury to Leading a Full and Healthy Life
- 1.16. Survive, Subsist, Succeed: Spinal Cord Injury Outcomes
- 2. Day in the Life: Video Series from Magee Rehabiliation
- 3. Advocacy
- 4. Caregivers
- 5. Emergency Preparedness
- 6. Empowerment: SCI Empowerment Series
- 7. Growing to Adulthood with SCI/D
- 8. Health & Wellness videos
- 8.1. Aging sith SCI/D
- 8.2. Autonomic Dysreflexia
- 8.3. Bladder management after SCI/D
- 8.4. Bowel Care
- 8.5. Fitness after Spinal Cord Injury
- 8.6. Management of Urinary Problems Caused by Spinal Cord Injury
- 8.7. Medications after Spinal Cord Injury
- 8.8. Nutrition
- 8.9. Osteoporosis
- 8.10. Pain Management
- 8.11. Respiratory Management
- 8.12. Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Injury
- 8.13. Sexuality & Sexual Function
- 8.14. Shoulders, arms and hands-Maintaining & Exercising
- 8.15. Skin Care and Pressure Sores
- 8.16. Sleep
- 8.17. Spasticity
- 9. Home Adaptations
- 10. Neat stuff! (SCI/D related of course)
- 11. New injuries-DVD series
- 12. Parenting with SCI
- 13. Practical Skills
- 14. Research
- 14.1. SCI Research and the Hope for the Cure: Where Are We Today?
- 14.2. Developing Neuroprosthetic Treatments for Spinal Cord Injury
- 14.3. Healthy Now, Ready for the Future: Being Prepared for Clinical Trials
- 14.4. Repairing the Spinal Cord From Within: Regeneration Potential
- 14.5. Review of human Trials
- 14.6. Stem Cells & Regeneration of the Spinal Cord
- 15. SSDI vs SSI
- 16. Webinar series-archived