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2.4. RRTC on Aging with a Disability
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Aging with a Physical Disability works on research and training activities to better understand the challenges faced by people aging with muscular dystrophy (MD), multiple sclerosis (MS), post-polio syndrome (PPS), and spinal cord injury (SCI). The research center at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, has launched a new website at http://agerrtc.washington.edu.
This resource for people aging with a spinal cord injury/disorder offers up-to-date educational information, including Aging Well with a Physical Disability Factsheets, as well as many ways to stay connected with the center's research: a News Blog, a quarterly e-Newsletter, and Facebook and Twitter pages. (See related pages below)
Take some time to check them out: http://agerrtc.washington.edu
posted 12-20-12