HomeState / Local ResourcesVermontAdditional Programs or Resources

47.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Disability Rights Vermont
Phone: (802) 229-1355
DRVT provides information, referral and advocacy services, including legal representation when appropriate, to individuals with disabilities throughout Vermont. DRVT also advocates to promote positive systemic responses to issues affecting people with disabilities.

Easter Seals Vermont
Phone: (802) 223-4744
Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Good News Garage
Phone: (877) 448-3288
We live in a state where transportation can mean the difference between poverty and self-sufficiency. Good News Garage is addressing this need by collecting donated cars, trucks and vans, repairing them and offering them to qualified low-income Vermonters.

Northern New England AgrAbility Project
Phone: (800) 545-8920 Ext. 2800
Committed to supporting farm families affected by a disability to be productive and successful in agriculture.

Rebuilding Together Greater Burlington
Phone: (802) 860-9200
Rebuilding Together is a national volunteer organization that works to assure that low-income homeowners, particularly those who are elderly, disabled, or part of a family with children, live in warmth, safety, and independence. Volunteers descend on homes in the Greater Burlington area to paint, clean, fix leaking roofs, replace rotten steps, and do numerous other jobs that make those homes safe and secure.

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports
Phone: (802) 786-4991
Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is committed to furthering the equality and independence of individuals with disabilities by providing access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.

Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights
Phone: 1-800-639-1522
The Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights (VCDR) is a cross-disability advocacy organization that seeks to increase awareness of disability issues and effect systemic change through legislative and administrative processes.

Vermont Family Network
Phone: 1-800-800-4005
VFN has an extensive network of families, professionals, other agencies, and other resources to assist you. Our family support staff has extensive knowledge about children and families with special needs and many are parents of children with special needs themselves. We also have a network of families who are willing to share their personal stories and answer any questions you may have through our parent match program. Our Family Support Consultants offer peer parent matches to parents who have children, youth or adults with special needs, and have concerns they want to share with another parent.

VSA Arts of Vermont
Phone: (802) 655-7772
Contact: Judy Chalmer, Executive Director
VSA Arts of Vermont (VSAVT) is a non-profit oganization dedicated to making the world of the arts accessible to Vermonters of all abilities.

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