Knowledge Books
Adaptive Vehicles
An adaptive vehicle is a car or truck that has been adapted for use by a person with a disability. Automobiles, whether a car or a van, can be adapted for a range of physical disabilities and are successfully used by persons with a spinal cord injury or disease, stroke and amputations. Without an adaptive vehicle, these people would not be able to drive.
Disaster Relief & Emergency Preparedness
These pages include disaster relief and assistance resources and information on topics ranging from emergency evacuation to finding grants that can help you rebuild your life after a disaster strikes.
Information about employment rights, preparing your resume, interview tips, job banks to look for your next job, federal and state employment resources.
Health and Wellness after SCI/D
Includes information specific to unique health care needs of the person living with SDI/D; discusses resources for persons living with disc disease and other back & spine conditions.
Home Modifications
Information about paying for home modifications, accessible home design and how to become your own self-advocate requesting modifications.
International Spinal Cord Injury Resources
List of disability-related organizations/groups by geographical region.
New Spinal Cord Injury/Disease Onset
Comprehensive new SCI/D information
Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury & Disease
Pediatric SCI resources, facilities, publications and special concerns....
Physicians - Locating Specialists
Provides helpful suggestions for talking with and resources for finding a doctor and/or dentist
Rehabilitation, New Injury & Recovery Programs
Information about finding the right rehabilitation facility for you, learn about the SCI Model System Centers, and rehab resources.
Research about SCI/D
Spinal cord injury and disease research information
Spanish Language Resources
Spinal cord injury or SCI disorder-related resources in the Spanish language
Sports, Recreation & Fitness
Please find here an extensive and detailed compendium including information related to paralympic and non-paralympic adaptive sports for individuals who have sustained a SCI. The information provided is organized by state. Additional resources include adaptive sports and recreation available in U.S. universities, adaptive equipment, national organizations, pediatric sports, recreational, virtual, and exercise/fitness classes. A brief overview of the organization, the sports that are offered and the contact information including email, phone number and location is provided for each organization. The information contained within these materials are informed suggestions prepared by graduate Occupational Therapy students from Mary Baldwin University and Stony Brook University. These are not professional recommendations. You should not rely on the information within this document as a basis for treatment or replacement of professional recommendations. Any reliance that you place on any of these materials or information is strictly at your own risk.
State / Local Resources
State resource pages include United Spinal Association Chapters, local SCI/D support groups. Model System and CARF-accredited rehab facilities, Centers for Independent Living, State programs and much more!
VA Spinal Cord Injury Centers
State listings of VA SCI Centers
How to Register and Update Accounts on NewMobility
How to create a WordPress Subscriber account and apply Customer ID to gain access to the site.