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49.3. State Disability Resources
Aged, Blind and Disabled Medical Programs
Aging and Disability Services
Phone: (800) 422-3263
The Aging and Disability Services Administration assists children and adults with developmental delays or disabilities, cognitive impairment, chronic illness and related functional disabilities to gain access to needed services and supports by managing a system of long-term care and supportive services that are high quality, cost effective, and responsive to individual needs and preferences.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (800) 637-5627
The mission of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is "to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and maintaining employment." Employment contributes to a person's ability to live independently, and DVR believes that every person has the right to work.
Phone: 1-800-201-4900
FindARide is a comprehensive database filled with unique transportation options that can fit your needs such as local shuttles, volunteer driver programs, medical transportation services. We have resources for everyone!
Transportation Resources Line
If you need more help then FindARide can give, we can help you find the best options to suit your needs through one-on-one transportation support. Our line is open from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If we are unavailable, leave a voicemail and we will return your call within two business days. To learn more about this service, or to get help with transportation, please email us at mobility@hopelink.org, call 425-943-6760, ext. 2, or complete our online form.
King County Metro Accessible Services
Phone: (206) 205-5000
Metro is committed to providing King County residents and visitors with valued transportation services, and their services extend to customers with special needs due to age or disabilities. Metro provides ACCESS Transportation paratransit service for qualified customers, and 100% of Metro buses are accessible.
Washington State Accessible Outdoor Recreation Guide
Phone: (360) 902-8844
The state of Washington has long been a leader in providing accessible outdoor recreation. The accessible sites listed in this guide are managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, the Washington Department of Natural Resources, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, and the Olympic National Park. Local or privately managed recreation sites are not included in the listing (except in a few cases where state grant funds were used to develop a site).