HomeState / Local ResourcesWyomingAdditional Programs or Resources

52.3. Additional Programs or Resources

Parent Information Center
Phone: (800) 660-9742
The main goals and purposes of PIC are to help families better understand education issues as they relate to their child's disability, and to provide support and encouragement to parents as they face their child's journey through life. PIC's services are available to parents of children, age birth to 21, with any type of disability or chronic health need.

Rehabilitation Enterprises of North Eastern Wyoming (RENEW)
Founded in 1972, we are a diverse, community-based, people-driven organization with operations in Sheridan, Gillette and Newcastle, Wyoming. Since 1972, we've been providing services for people with disabilities.  RENEW is nationally accredited by CARF, the Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission, in the following services: Community Services: Community Housing; Community Integration; Job Development; Employment Services:  Job-Site Training

Teton Adaptive Sports
307 699 3554
Mission is to promote and support sports and recreation opportunities for people with disabilities living in and visiting the Greater Teton Area.

Wyoming AgrAbility
Phone: (888)989-9463.
The goal of Wyoming AgrAbility is to inform, educate, and assist ranchers, farmers, farm workers, and their families with disabilities, so they can continue to do what they love—ranching and farming.

Wyoming Assistive Technology for All
AT4ALL is the product of a collaborative effort with other states in our region to expand and enhance AT access and acquisition. We invite you to set up an account and return often to see what's new, what's available for sale, or what's available for short term loan.

Wyoming Family to Family
Phone: (307) 766-2764
This website is an online portal to high-quality, research-based information on improving the health of families and children with special health care needs.

Wyoming INstitute for Disabilities
Phone:  (307) 766-2761
WIND provides teaching, research, information services, and technical assistance to both the University and Wyoming at large. Its major functions include preparing university students to help persons with disabilities live and work in more inclusive communities and providing current information about the broad area of disabilities, particularly in the area of developmental disabilities, to Wyoming residents and professionals.

Wyoming Protection & Advocacy System
Phone: (307) 632-3496
P&A agencies have the authority to provide legal representation and other advocacy services, under all federal and state laws, to all people with disabilities (based on a system of priorities for services). All P&As maintain a presence in facilities that care for people with disabilities, where they monitor, investigate and attempt to remedy adverse conditions. These agencies also devote considerable resources to ensuring full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, healthcare, accessible housing and productive employment opportunities.

Wyoming Technology Access Program
Phone: (800) 937-4718
WYTAP is a loan program that offers interest buy-down for individuals who want to purchase assistive technology. Extended loan periods (up to sixty months) make it easier for people to buy the necessary AT equipment they need at little to no interest.

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