HomeHealth and Wellness after SCI/DHealth and Wellness by sub-topicPain Management

2.19. Pain Management

Primary Resources:

Secondary Resources:

Organizations and resources:

       *  The Translational Pain Research Group 1- 617-525-PAIN(7246) paintrials@partners.org at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Anesthesia, are striving to bring laboratory research into a safe and effective clinical research setting       


Video Resources:

SCI Forum video "Managing Chronic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury"
from the Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System
Chronic (or long-standing) pain is a common problem for people living with spinal cord injury, and it is often very difficult to treat. In this forum video, two UW Rehabilitation Medicine clinicians discuss the different types, causes and potential treatment options for chronic pain. Deborah Crane, MD, MPH, assistant professor and rehab physician at Harborview, reviews medications, surgical options, injections, pumps, massage, and other treatments. Dawn Ehde, PhD, professor and rehab psychologist discusses different self-management strategies for decreasing and coping with chronic pain, including relaxation, pacing and hypnosis.

More pain management video selections are available in the Video Resource Room Knowledge Book: Health & Wellness chapter


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