HomeHealth and Wellness after SCI/DHealth and Wellness by sub-topicLocating nursing advice for SCI/D

2.14. Locating nursing advice for SCI/D

SCI/D Nurse Advice Line at Craig Hospital  
Our Information Specialists have found that nurses at Craig Hospital can provide unique information should you be scheduled for any of a broad range of diagnostic tests or surgical procedures.  They can also answer your questions about such health matters as bowel, bladder and/or skin concerns, helping you address or solve an issue before it becomes a major health problem.  This service provides a dedicated SCI nurse to answer non-emergent calls; they have the experience to help identify potential complications before they become serious health issues. In addition to answering specific health-related questions, callers can obtain general educational resources unique for healthy living with SCI/D. Their services are also available in Spanish. Don't delay; call to reach a nurse Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Mountain Time): 800-247-0257 or 303-789-8508.

CareCure Community Forums Our Information Specialists find that CareCure is invaluable in many cases as a resource for medically reviewed SCI/D web forum 'threads' or conversations between others living and dealing with the same SCI/D concerns. One can browse or search for related forum threads or conversations by typing the word or phrase into the CareCure search box.

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