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2.8. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in AUSTRALIA

Moorong Spinal Unit, Royal Rehabilitation Centre, Sydney
The Spinal Injury Unit offers a state-wide service to clients who have sustained traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injuries. It is a 18-bed unit, which offers individually tailored, multi-disciplinary rehabilitation programs. The aim of these specific programs is to restore as much function and independence as possible, while at the same time facilitating adjustment to disability, promoting self determination and enhancing quality of life.

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
SCI Australia's Mission: To be Australia's leading charitable enterprise in the PREVENTION of spinal cord injuries, CARE for those who have spinal cord injury and the support of research to find a CURE for spinal cord injury.

Spinal Cure Australia
SpinalCure Australia (formerly Australasian Spinal Research Trust) was founded in 1994 with the aim of ending the permanence of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) through: Promoting and funding research; Fostering cooperation between disciplines engaged in central nervous system and regeneration research; Monitoring of progress of research projects funded through the SCA and the cooperation of international efforts in the field.
Spinal Life Australia
Their mission is to enable those living with a disability to live an accessible, equitable and empowered life. They offer support services, advocacy and peer support services. 

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