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2.11. Spinal Cord Injury Resources in BANGLADESH

Access Bangladesh
The Mission of the Access Bangladesh Foundation is to advocate and promote equality for disabled, underprivileged and extremely poor people in all spheres of life, through education, health care, appropriate training, employment, communication, and barrier free environment.

Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity
The Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity (BPKS) is a non-governmental, cross disability organization run by and for people with disabilities. BPKS vision is to see that all people with disabilities live independently, with dignity, in a barrier-free community and equitable society where they can contribute as equals to the nations and their own development.

Center for Services & Information on Disability (CSID)
Reducing discrimination against marginalized people including persons with disabilities in all aspects of life including gender disparity; creating a Physical and Socio-economic barrier free environment; Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and marginalised people through capacity building; Resource and information networking; Promoting opportunities and access to education, information and socio- economic activities in order to mainstreaming them into society with equal rights and dignity following Inclusive, Participatory, Community and Rights based approach.

crp-bangladesh : Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed
CRP focuses on a holistic approach to rehabilitation, recognising that all aspects of the rehabilitation process are vital for its success

Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV)
SARPV adopted Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) strategy for main streaming the persons with disability in the society. Over the years we have changed our approaches from CBR and develop self help group consist of peoples with disabilities so that they can raise their voice strongly and claim their rights from the service providers.


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