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2.6. Neurogenic Bladder Management
Primary Resources
Bladder Care and Management
Reviews the urinary system, how it works after an SCI, and types of bladder management programs. Discusses possible problems with the urinary tract, treatment methods and steps to staying healthy. -
Bladder Management Options Following Spinal Cord Injury— An information sheet that discusses bladder management options. Written by Todd A. Linsenmeyer, M.D., and Steven Kirshblum, M.D.,in collaboration with the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC).
- Podcasts from the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NLUTD) - The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NLUTD) was launched in 2019 and includes a diverse team of physicians (rehabilitation, urology, pediatrics), researchers, and people with NLUTD (more commonly known as “neurogenic bladder”). Their podcasts are for clinicians, scientists, and people living with neurogenic bladder and they cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of neurogenic bladder and its management, to being in a relationship and dating, social justice, and more.
Surgical Alternatives for Bladder Management Following SCI (2015) — An information sheet that discusses s urgical options when other bladder management strategies are ineffective . Developed by Todd A. Linsenmeyer, M.D., and Steven Kirshblum, M.D., in collaboration with the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.
Urinary Tract Infection and Spinal Cord Injury
Published by the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC). Urinary tract infections are one of the most common medical problems after SCI. The factsheet explains urinary tract infections, how to prevent them, and how they can be treated. The factsheet is also available in Spanish (PDF). - Understanding Neurogenic Bladder
A pamphlet describing neurogenic bladder and management options.
Other Resources
Bladder Management — This 33 minute video outlines the importance of bladder management on QOL. The types of bladder management programs and techniques are illustrated (Male and female anatomical models utilized to demonstrate proper techniques). Prevention and treatment of UTI and risks for stone formation are also discussed. This video 1 in an 11-part video series provided by the University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Model System (UAB-SCIMS).
Management of Urinary Problems Caused by Spinal Cord Injury
The SCI Forum presentation, Management of Urinary Problems Caused by Spinal Cord Injury, which took place on October 13, 2009 at the University of Washington Medical Center, is available as streaming video and written report. In this presentation, Stephen Burns, MD, Associate Professor, UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and staff physician, SCI Service, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of emptying the bladder and describes some of the testing used to screen the bladder and kidneys. In addition, two individuals with spinal cord injury talk about their personal experiences with bladder management problems and solutions. -
What is Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NLUTD)?
A pamphlet published by the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital that provides an overview of how neurological injury/disease affects the process of urine storage and emptying. Describes the four main ways that NLUTD can result in bladder dysfunction. -
What is Overactive Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NLUTD)?
A pamphlet published by the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital that describes overactive NLUTD, including symptoms, affects, and management strategies. -
What is Underactive Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NLUTD)?
A fact sheet by the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital that describes underactive NLUTD. This is a general information sheet which discusses this specific type of urinary tract dysfunction. Please discuss any information of interest with your physician to determine if the information is applicable to you, taking your individual circumstances into account. - Research News on Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
A newsletter published by the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital that describes the latest information and research news on neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD). Please discuss any information of interest with your physician to determine if the information is applicable to you, taking your individual circumstances into account.
Articles that discuss a variety of concerns and issues about bladder management
Bladder Matters a series of timely topics by Bob Vogel published in New Mobility; for a list of topics from 2007 to 2011:
Cathing Alternatives; Irrigation Explained December 2010
What About Bladder Augmentation Surgery?December 2008
Ditching Drug Side Effects October 2009
Suprapubic Revisited June 2010
The Mitrofanoff Procedure August 2010
Removing or Avoiding Painful Kidney Stones February 2011
An article by Craig Hospital Research Department from their SCI Health and Wellness series that reviews the importance of drinking enough water, or keeping the body hydrated, for persons with spinal cord injury and the problems resulting from dehydration. Includes a self-quiz to see if you are drinking enough water
SCI Pamphlets - Urinary Tract Infections Intermittent Catheterization
From the "Staying Healthy after a Spinal Cord Injury" series published by University of Washington, discusses practical and useful information.
SCI Pamphlets - Urinary Tract Infections Indwelling (Foley) Catheter
From the "Staying Healthy after a Spinal Cord Injury" series published by the University of Washington. Discusses the difference between an infection and bacteriuria (having bacteria in the urine but no symptoms)
Organizational resources
National Association For Continence a national, private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with incontinence, voiding dysfunction, and related pelvic floor disorders. NAFC's purpose is to be the leading source for public education and advocacy about the causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatments, and management alternatives for incontinence.
The Simon Foundation for Continence: www.simonfoundation.org
Neurotech Network provides information regarding neurotechnology urinary control devices
******Advocacy Groups for incontinence ******
If you are living with a neurologic condition causing an overactive bladder that leads to urinary incontinence, finding useful information, resources, and support can make a difference. Below you'll find a list of organizations and associations where you can learn more and get involved. The organizations listed below do not endorse any specific treatment for urinary incontinence.
For people living with multiple sclerosis (MS)
Can Do Multiple SclerosisTM: www.mscando.org
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAATM): www.msassociation.org
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation: www.msfocus.org
Multiple Sclerosis World (MSWorld®): www.msworld.org
National Multiple Sclerosis Society: www.nationalmssociety.org
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA): www.pva.org
United Spinal Association: www.spinalcord.org
Bladder management video selections in Health & Wellness chapter of the Video Resource Room Knowledge Book