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2.3. Aging with SCI
Things to Know About Aging and Spinal Cord Injury (msktc.org)
This Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) factsheet discusses the issues of aging after spinal cord injury and discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
A pamphlet by Spinal Cord Injury Research Evidence (SCIRE) Community. SCIRE Community was developed by a team in the Rehabilitation Research Program at GF Strong Rehab Centre in Vancouver, BC with the SCIRE Community Working Group which consists of 19 community members, including people living with spinal cord injury, health professionals, scientists, and other community stakeholders in Canada who provided guidance and input on the project throughout development.
Aging with Spinal Cord Injury: Sleep Problems
Researchers at the University of Washington's Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Disabilities describe common sleep problems and provide solutions to help you sleep better.
Upper Extremity Pain
A pamphlet from Craig Hospital that discusses upper extremity pain and injury experienced from daily overuse. Reviews injuries to the rotator cuff, biceps tendon, and wrist and the treatment choices available.
Am I Ready for a Van?
A pamphlet from Craig Hospital that discusses reasons one may or may not want to switch from driving a car to a van.
Bladder Cancer
A pamphlet from Craig Hospital that discusses the higher risk of bladder cancer in individuals with SCI.
An article by Craig Hospital Research Department from their SCI Health and Wellness series on Aging with SCI that discusses the risks with medications and that the risks rise as you age with your SCI.
Diabetes & SCI: Prevention and Treatment
A pamphlet produced by Craig Hospital that discusses risks of individuals with SCI becoming diabetic, the treatment, and how to avoid complications.
Breast Cancer
A pamphlet from Craig Hospital that explains the risks of breast cancer for women with SCI and ways to decrease the risks.
Switching to a Power Chair
A pamphlet from Craig Hospital that reviews decisions one faces when considering changing from a manual chair to a power chair. Discusses reasons for change; questions to ask oneself regarding the need to change; and how this may affect one's future function.
Also see Aging with SCI video in VIDEO RESOURCE ROOM referenced below