HomeHealth and Wellness after SCI/DHealth and Wellness by sub-topicFertility and Pregnancy

2.12. Fertility and Pregnancy

Male Fertility — Developed by Spinal Cord Injury BC (SCI BC), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with spinal cord injuries and related disabilities, adjust, adapt, and thrive. (2019)

The Male Fertility Research Program of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis  At this link you'll find the following two resources: 

Female Fertility and Pregnancy  — Developed by Spinal Cord Injury BC (SCI BC), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with spinal cord injuries and related disabilities, adjust, adapt, and thrive. (2019) 

Pregnancy and SCI booklet  Developed by Spinal Cord Injury BC (SCI BC), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with spinal cord injuries and related disabilities, adjust, adapt, and thrive. (2015)

Pregnancy and Women with Spinal Cord Injury — Developed by Amie B. McLain, M.D., Taylor Massengill, B.A., and Phil Klebine, M.A., in collaboration with the SCI Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (2015). 

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